Medications for Arthritis

Arthritis is a common situation that may happen in many people. This situation should be treated immediately with specific medications for Arthritis. Otherwise it may cause some other problems in human body.

There are some medications for arthritis. They are very effective in treating people with this health problem.

Most of them should be given by professional doctors or medical care experts. These doctors usually understand all impacts that people may have after consuming some effective medications.

People do not have to take a lot of time to treat their arthritis problems. In most cases, they usually need a few weeks to relieve their arthritis problems.

Here are the different recommended types of medications to be used for Arthritis!

1. Topical pain reliever

Medications for Arthritis
There are some topical drugs that can be used to relieve pain in most people. This arthritis problem can be treated well with some topical pain relievers.

This type of drug is very useful to reduce the painful muscles or joints effectively.

Some doctors may recommend some pain relievers, such as salicylate and capsaicin. These two ingredients are very effective to give pain relief effect in most people.

Salicylate can help people reduce the pain that may occurs in fingers, elbows or knees. Capsaicin is another recommended ingredient that is good to relieve arthritis pain.

2. Anti-inflammatory painkiller

Some doctors may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory painkiller drugs or NSAIDs for their patients. They are usually available by prescription. However, people can also find some NSAIDs brands that are available over the counter in some health stores.

Almost all people who wish to use medications for Arthritis may take these drugs. Proper dose can help all patients reduce the joint inflammation caused by the arthritis. It is important to use this painkiller as medications for Arthritis, to reduce any joint pains effectively. There is minimum or no negative side effect that can be caused by these Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for human body.

3. Acetaminophen

This is another pain relieving drug to be used as medications for Arthritis, for all arthritis patient. It is available over the counter on some health stores. This product is also used as pain reliever for people who suffer from arthritis.

This product is usually combined with narcotic pain relievers. These ingredients are good to eliminate the pain related with the arthritis problem. Acetaminophen usually works by stimulating the nerve system to provide the best pain relief effect for all patients.

This product can also be combined with some other anti-inflammatory painkiller drugs in order to improve their effectiveness.

4. Antidepressant

This is another recommended medication for arthritis. There are some antidepressants that are available for all arthritis patients. 

This drug is very useful to help all people treat their chronic pain problem.

It is not only effective for depressed people. This medication can have positive effect on most people's brain. It can stimulate the production of brain chemicals effectively. 

There are some brain chemicals that are effective to reduce the pain resulted from arthritis problem.

However, this drug may have some side effects, such as dry mouth, blurred vision, and drowsiness. These side effects can be suffered by some sensitive people. There is also minimum possibility of getting frequent mood change.

5. Steroid

Steroid is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs for all patients. It can treat some types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, vasculitis, and any other inflammation types, without having any problems.

This medication can be effective for some people. However, some other people may be sensitive to this ingredient. It has some side effects when it is used for long period of time. Therefore, many doctors do not use this steroid ingredient to relieve any arthritis pains in their patients.

They usually use steroid as the last alternative for all patients who want to treat their arthritis problem.

Watch a video on medications for Arthritis


6. Hyaluronan Injection

Some doctors recommend the use of this Hyaluronan injection. This method is also commonly known as viscosupplementation. This method is very effective to treat osteoarthritis that may happen in knees.

This injection is commonly put directly to the join. There are many studies showing that this method is very effective to reduce pain caused by arthritis problem. This method is able to reduce pain for long period of time.

This injection should be done by professional health care experts. They know how to inject this Hyaluronan solution to the right place without having any issues.

7. Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs or DMARDs

This is one of the most effective medications for arthritis. There are several anti rheumatic drugs that are available on the market today. Many people use these drugs when they are interested to relieve their arthritis pain.

There are some types of arthritis that can be treated with these DMARDs, for example psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and some other arthritis types. This drug type works by suppressing or interfering the immune system that can attack the joints of all people suffering from inflammatory arthritis.

This drug is commonly used in some aggressive arthritis treatments because it can provide pain relief effect immediately.

8. Narcotic

Many people want to use this treatment as medications for Arthritis. There are some narcotics that are good for relieving any pain related with this joint pain problem, for example morphone, fentanyl, codeine, oxycodone, and some other drugs.

They work effectively to reduce join pain problem by reducing the nerve cell pain system. This method is usually done for people who cannot use other medications for arthritis.

This treatment is not recommended by most doctors because it may have a lot of side effects. Constipation is the main side effect that may happen in people who consume this drug.


Those are some medications for arthritis. The Arthritis problem should be treated immediately, so it does not cause any other serious problems in the future. People should also understand that all arthritis medications may have their side effects. Therefore, they need to discuss with their personal doctors before taking any of these medications.

They should have fit and healthy body before they can use these medications for arthritis problems. A professional doctor should know how to treat arthritis properly without causing any negative side effects.

Some people cannot do their daily activities when they suffer from arthritis problem. Therefore, they should find the right medications for Arthritis, to treat their arthritis problems.